Mila Mardotillah (Post Graduate of Department of Anthropology, Universitas Padjadjaran)
Budhi Gunawan (Department of Anthropology, FISIP, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung)
Rini S. Soemarwoto (Department of Anthropology, FISIP, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung)
Ardini S. Raksanagara (Department of Anthropology, FISIP, Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung)

On improving the public health status, community behavior in accessing healthy latrines, especially in urban areas, should be improved. Behavioral approaches to behavioral factors such as enabling factors and reinforcement factors can form the basic for knowing how healthy latrine use behaviors are improved. In the field of health, the program of behavior change often aimed to improve health is less acceptable because it is against the culture of the local community, so that the necessary understanding and provision of knowledge adapted to the structure of society so that the community acts for the sustainability of its health.

 Access to urban healthy latrines is difficult to achieve, population density, infrastructure constraints and high mobility are the problems facing people in accessing healthy latrines, but as people's knowledge and attitudes grow, everybody develops their awareness to keep access to healthy latrines and is part of  needed.

The research method used is a qualitative approach to know the role of enabling factors and reinforcement factors in realizing access to healthy latrines in Rancanumpang, Kota Bandung.

The findings of this research are the enabling factors that have been good is the regularity of society and community support in creating access to healthy latrines. The reinforcing factor is the role of regional government, especially in managing and conducting cross-sectoral cooperation with both government and private sector.

Conclusion of this research is that the community, both local residents, migrants, officials, administrators, personalities and private sector already have the awareness potential to build their area in fulfilling the  access latrines facilities for their families.


enabling factors, reinforcing factors, latrine access, urban
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