Traditional Games from Sentani Papua: Documentation and the Potentials of Utilization

Wigati Yektiningtyas (PBS FKIP Unversitas Cenderawasih) Orcid ID Google Scholar or Scopus ID
Siswanto NFN (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional)
The Sentani people in Papua have wealth of cultural heritages which was formerly actively practiced.  One of them is traditional games (TG).   Since 1970 when their area turned into a provincial capital and infrastructure development took place and modernization, the Sentani people began to lose land for TG. Now the younger generation does not recognize and practice these traditional sports and games. This study aims to (1) document traditional Sentani sports and games and (2) discuss their potential utilization in several fields. This research was conducted in October-December 2022 in several villages and islands on Lake Sentani through interviews and FGDs with informants consisting of tribal chiefs, the elders, Papuan customary council members, and government officials. This research found several TG which can be divided into two, namely water TG i.e., rukha hasai, rem phaeikho-phaeikho, and bhu phaeikho-phaeikho as well as land TG, i.e., mokhone oro habele sablei, fela-fela, and mendelauw. TG couldbe utilized as media of education, charater building, tourism and creative economy. Apart from being a social awareness, it is hoped that this research can become a cultural preservation of Sentani and utilized so that this intangible heritage does not become extinct and can be disseminated to the world community.
traditional games, Sentani, documentation, utilization
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Ronald Yaroseray. Secretary of Education and Culture Office Jayapura, 5 November 2022 – on the importance of TG documentation.

Orgenes Monim. Principal of Customary School of Jayapura Regency, 5 November 2022 -- on the importance of TG documentation.

Dance Nawipa, Sport High School Principal Jayapura, 16 Nov. 2022 – on the utilization of TG in supporting sports.

Agustinus Ongge, painter and carver, 6 November 2022 – history and data of Sentani TG Sentani.

Irenius Pepuho, secretary of Sentani Customary Board, 7—10 November 2022 -- history and data of Sentani TG Sentani.

Albert F. Hendambo, Tribal Chief, Sentani, 7—10 November 2022. sejarah dan data TG Sentani–utilization of TG in socio-culture.

Antoneta Ohee, the Head of Kampung Pulau Asei and the Head of Reading House, 15 November 2022– utilization of TG in economy.

Marten Ohee, Ondofolo Sentani Timur, 15 November 2022–utilization of TG in socio-culture.

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